Pool, Fitness Center, and Trail Map

The Pool is scheduled to open the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend!

Pool season is almost here! In anticipation of opening the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Please complete and return the Pool Registration Packet linked in the button below. 

Completed registration forms can be emailed to Pool@TPCColorado.com OR may be dropped off in person at the Fitness Center front desk. 

If you have any questions about the upcoming season please contact Aquatics Manager, at Pool@TPCColorado.com

We ask all pool visitors to complete the waiver and deliver in person to the pool manager/attendant before entering.

Click the button below to download a copy of the pool waiver. As a reminder, we request that you bring your own towels as these will not be provided.

We look forward to seeing all of our residents!

Pool Packet + Waiver

Fitness Center Waiver

Fitness Center Class Schedule

Long Term Rental (Transfer of Amenities) Form

Trail Map